Pre and Postcare Brows

Please read all info relevant to your appointment type before booking your appointment. If you have more questions, feel free to book a Complimentary Consult first.

Client must be:

  • Over 18 years old
  • Not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Off Oral and prescription strength Retinols for at least 6 months
  • Off topical retinols for 2 weeks


  • Pregnant or Breastfeeding
  • Has a medical condition that compromises healing
  • Undergoing chemotherapy

Required Consultation Before Booking:

  • Diabetic
  • On doctor prescribed blood thinners
  • Client is unable to lay flat

The day of the procedure, please come to your appointment with your brows how you normally wear them. It all starts with a good canvas! The eyebrow area must be healthy, strong, non-sensitive, and non-irritated. Here’s how to get your skin ready for the procedure:

    • Do not pick, tweeze, wax, or tint within 48 hours the procedure
    • Do not tan two weeks prior to the service, or have a sunburned face
    • Do not have any type of facial 2 weeks prior to the procedure
    • Do not work out immediately before the procedure
    • Do not have Botox 3 weeks prior to the procedure
    • Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E prior to the procedure (they are natural blood thinners).

In order to avoid excessive bleeding and poor color deposit day of:

    • Do not drink alcohol 
    • Do not consume coffee (if you cant skip without a headache, please minimize your caffeine intake)
    • Do not take an Aspirin or Ibuprofen for pain relief (these also thin the blood)

After care is very important for producing a beautiful and lasting result. Failure to follow after care instruction may result in infection, pigment loss, scarring, or discoloration. Not following these instructions voids our service contract and could result in the cancellation of your touchup appointment and any future services.

    • Blot: Blot the area every 2 hours (or more often as lymph appears) with a lint free paper towel or clean cotton for the first 48 hours when awake.
    • Clean: Keep the area clean by wiping gently twice a day with Microtonic (provided) on a clean cotton pad for the first 7 to 10 days. Do not use a washcloth or a sponge. Allow to air dry, do not blot off.
    • Balm: Apply aftercare balm, after cleansing, to dry skin. Apply with freshly washed fingers. Use a rice grain sized amount for each brow. Less is more, if you can see it, it’s too much! Use balm 2x’s daily for 7-10 days. To improve deep healing, balm can be used for up to 30 days.



    • Always wash hands before touching brows
    • Wear a visor or hat to protect from sun exposure while healing. Wear SPF once healed.
    • Remember that you have what is essentially an open wound on your face. Keep it clean!



    • DO NOT PICK!!! Allow flaking to naturally come off, picking could lead to scarring/poor color retention because it pulls the color out of your skin and can cause scarring.
    • Don’t apply any product other than the provided aftercare for at least 5-7 days.
    • Don’t work out, garden, swim, expose your PMU to animals, or sweat excessively for the first 10 days.


    What to Expect

    • Swelling: mild swelling, itching, redness, light scabbing, light bruising, and dry tightness can be normal. Ice packs are a nice relief (wrapped in a clean, lint free towel) and aftercare balm can relieve itching and tightness

    Seek medical attention if your brow area becomes infected. Major signs of infection include, but are not limited to, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, elevated body temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site.