
Areola Repigmentation and Paramedical Tattooing

Areola Pigmentation is ideal for anyone who has had a breast augmentation or top surgery and was unable to keep their original nipple and areola. Areola Repigmentation post surgery can often be covered by your insurance. Ask us about providing all the paperwork for you so that you can bill your insurance after your service. We are set up as an out of network provider and have all medical codes necessary for post mastectomy services.

I’ve included a small selection of some recent clients in each of the services, to see even more, check me out on Instagram. Its updated far more regularly and has tons of photos and great videos that really show off the services

Areola Repigmentation

Allow me to create 3d hyperrealistic areola to complete your surgical journey. Colors and shape are selected to suit your coloring and visual desire. 

We are an out-of-network provider and can provide all the information needed to bill your insurance company for them to repay you for your services. This is typically for clients who have had a medically necessary surgery and no prior areola reconstruction. 

Bilaterial Areola repigmentation is $895 and includes up to 2 touchups at 8-12 weeks apart. 

Payment is due at the time of service, while we can provide info for billing your insurance, we cannot assure their repayment.

Scar Camoflage and Remodeling

Scar Camoflage can help to blend flat, white, fully healed scarring into the rest of your skin. If scarring is raised, we may recommend that we treat the scar first with microneedling to flatten and remodel first. Book your consultation to set your treatment plan.

Variable pricing based on scar size and will be determined at your Consultation, includes a complimentary touchup.